Medicare Update: Draft MDS and Quality Measures

A. DRAFT MDS Data Specifications:

CMS released the DRAFT MDS Data Specifications V3.02.0 that are scheduled to go into effect on Oct 1, 2024.


Updates include:

  • Removal of: Section GG Goal items from GG0130: Self-care and GG0170: Mobility
  • New item: “O0350: Resident’s COVID Vaccination is up to Date.” This is a new QRP Measure with reporting to start Oct 1, 2024 to affect 2026 penalty
  • New item: “N0415K1/K2: Anti-convulsant” listed under High-Risk Drug Classes.
  • Removal of: “A2121-A2122: Provision and Route of Medication List to subsequent provider at Discharge” from the NPE (PPS DC) item set. This is because it is already required on the ND (Discharge) item set when a Med A resident leaves the facility.

For additional info: MDS_3.0_Data_Specs_(V3.02.0)_Draft_01-25-2024 (ZIP)




As a reminder, the 5 Quality Measures based on Section G have been frozen since Oct 2023 due to their re-specification to Section GG.


These include:

  1. Walk Independently Worsened
  2. Need for ADL Help Increased
  3. Discharge Function Score
  4. Pressure Ulcers
  5. New or Worsened Bowel or Bladder Incontinence

According to CMS’ Better Care, “The new measure specifications should be available in the MDS 3.0 Facility-Level and Resident-Level QM Reports starting on 4/1/2024 and users will be able to request measure data from 10/1/2023 based on the new specifications.”


This means, we should have the new Quality Measure reports in April!


We will be scheduling a webinar once the new reports are released.

Look out for an announcement!


If you have questions, or need additional information, please email us at:

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